Естественный рельеф территории и река сформировали несколько функциональных зон: нижний парк с аллеями именных родовых дубов, средний парк с променадом вдоль реки общей протяженностью 285 м и верхний парк с открытой площадкой для сезонных мероприятий (ярмарки, фестивали, танцы) и ротондой со смотровыми площадками. Все эти зоны имеют функциональные и зрительные связи. Основная пешеходная аллея, идущая от входа в парк, переходит в пешеходный мост через реку и композиционно завязывается с нижним родовым парком. Вдоль реки равномерно распределены три спуска к воде с зонами отдыха. В месте изгиба реки по центру северного променада запроектирован памятник матери. Скульптурная группа, как символ рода, обозревается со всех основных видовых точек парка.
Building area before reconstruction 1530 m2
Building area after reconstruction 2545 m2
Russia, Republic of Adygea, Maykop, 2020
The five-storey hotel building located in the city center was built in the 60s of the 20th century and is a striking legacy of Soviet constructivism.

The main tasks of the reconstruction were: to preserve the image and style of the hotel, to increase the area on the ground floor level by introducing a new trade function, to expand the existing restaurant by completing a two-story volume at the end of the building, and to improve the adjacent territory along the main facade.
The main recognizable element of the building is its symbolic decor-pictogram, schematically showing the most important features of the region - mountains and rivers. For greater expressiveness of this element and the main facade as a whole, the theme of the horizontal was strengthened in the form of wood-like panels.

In the attached volume of the supermarket at the level of the first floor, the rhythm and division of the window openings of the main building are preserved. The volume of the main entrance, which is located in the alignment with the existing entrance and is increased by one span, is more actively highlighted. The existing boundaries of the site allowed to increase the volume of the main entrance and the volume of the restaurant located at the end of the hotel. Thanks to the newly created corner two-storey volume of the restaurant, it was possible to create a planning in the perception of the object. With the help of uniform vertical modules, common horizontal lines and materials, the new volumes harmoniously merge with the existing building.

Porcelain stoneware for stone and concrete, composite aluminum panels for wood and ocher colors, black metal were chosen as the main materials. These materials, stylized as natural, give the building an environmental friendliness and enhance ethnic motives.